Saturday, January 14, 2012

Will S.

Around the time I turned eight, my parents divorced. Not gonna lie here, that hurt. I became a Christian, or at least started calling myself one, when I was around 12. I didn't really attend church all that much until I was fifteen, which, coincidentally, was when I hit the beginning of my depression. Girls, grades, and a social life heaped a ton of depression and sadness on me and I started thinking, weekly, of suicide. Every day was a struggle, and last year it was the worst. Every time I was near a high place I thought about jumping, every time I saw something sharp I wanted to slit my wrists. Nightly, I cried for about two hours into my pillow and begged God to kill me. Nightly, he didn't. I took matters into my own hands a few times by trying to hang myself. That didn't work. I had this huge hole inside me and I couldn't fill it with anything. I tried drinking, I got into some bad crowds, I did everything you can imagine to try and fill that hole but the only thing I found that worked was God. Gradually I came out of my depression through church, being in the band, and exploring my relationship with God to it's fullest. Today I can say that, even though depression is still a day to day struggle, I have someone who I can lean on when the pain hits a new level. I owe my life to Christ and my salvation, and don't want to ever see anybody go through that kind of pain again. So, I try to share my faith and the awesome relationship I have with God. This is me, this is my relationship with Christ, and this is my story. And it's 100% true. 

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