Saturday, January 7, 2012

Audrey R.

I have an amazing wonderful teacher. She's the reason I became Christian again and helped me put my faith back in God. My teacher had a harsh life living around people that drink and do bad things and didn't have God in them. One day she didnt come to school and the whole class was wondering why she didn't come to school. The substitute teacher had told us that someone in her family had died. We were all sad for her. The next day my teacher came back to school and told us all that her cousin had died in a snowboarding accident. All day she looked really sad. We would often tell her that everything was okay and that she was with God, but I know that her family was feeling a lot of pain losing her.
As I noticed day by day, she never lost her faith in God. She still prayed and worshiped God. I was really amazed by how much she trusted God and never turned her back on God. I guess God has a plan for all of us we just have to believe and trust in Him. In all that bad that happened with her cousin's death, her family turned to God and felt happier than ever. Never forget to encourage those around you and remind them to never give up.

Charles H. (Blog Creator)

The thing that changed my life, was meeting my best friend, Alyssia. I had just ran off from a lot of bad stuff i was doing in my life, and she was at her lowest. We had no idea that the day I helped her spiritually would lead to a blossoming friendship.
what changed my life, was loosing my best friend Alyssia. It tore me to pieces the two times i fell for her and pulled away. To this day, I wish i could have followed through with the ideas I had for the two of us. I screwed up and it ruined our friendship. the patches ive tried to apply seem to fail and fall off too easily.
I still hold out hope that what we once had will someday return, it made me a much better person, talking to her. She'll always have a special place in my heart, whatever comes in this world.
I just hope she keeps a place open for me to return to someday.
What changed my life, was creating this blog where people can pour out their souls for the world to see, so the world can finally understand what torment every single human being goes through on a daily basis.

What will change your life?

Friday, January 6, 2012

Sara H.

Today, I ran into someone from my past, and the encounter really shook my world.
I ran into my HS crush  from about 4 years ago. At that time, I was a freshman, he was a senior. Cute blond, blue-eyed boy, with a huge smile.
Four years later, I ran into him on the street. I honestly thought it was a hobo going to ask me for money. I was shocked when he asked me “You’re Job’s sister right? You don’t remember me, huh?” I blurted out his name. How could I forget him?
He approached me. He was rugged, and looked very worn out. The way he talked to me… he had changed. He told me he had seen me around but never wanted to say hi because he was afraid I wouldn’t remember him. I did remember him, but not like this.
Guys, believe me when I say this. DRUGS MESS UP YOUR LIFE….This boy graduated, and went to a really good university, our state university. But then he got involved with drugs, and bye-bye to his bright future…And now he came back to his hometown, to live the life of a bum.
I hope one day those beautiful blue eyes may shine once again…and the boy I had a crush on can come back.

Madii W.

Rugby was my life. I had been playing for a year, but I was obsessed. And, I was good enough, too. Good enough to get emails from the provincial team asking me to try out. I thought I had it all figured out. Captain of the team during highschool, Team Ontario before graduation, Team Canada by first year of University, and 2016 Olympics for rugby 7s.
I'll admit, I made a little trophy case in my mind for rubgy. It was very high up in my respect and mind. I still loved God, went to church, taught Sunday School, and went to youth group. But rugby was everything else.
It was during a 7s tournament (sevens is a version of rugby which is normally played with 15 players), and I was doing pretty good. Scored some tri's, played almost every game the whole time.
I felt on top. And that's when I got hurt. I got a concussion. For those of you who have never had a concussion, its hard to understand what it's like.
It was explained to me as being shoved into having a mental failure.
I don't have normal emotions like everyone else, and little things can set me off. I can't read very well anymore, though I'm in an arts school for literature. I was basically kicked out of society and sent to bed for weeks.
I couldn't read, couldn't do puzzles, couldn't train for the olympics.
I felt like the living dead.
My accident was in October and it is now January and I'm still in recovery. My head still hurts daily but I'm starting to excercise again, little by little.
The thing with a concussion is that it is more than an injury. I honestly feel daily that Satan attacks me.
Nobody could have warned me how much depression, anxiety, and pain I feel emotionally from this.
I went from relying on my own physical skills,
to relying on nothing
The crazy thing through this is, through prayer and meditation, I;ve gotten more oppurtunities for the olympics, as well as God has shown me what he wants/needs me to do.
So here I am. I'm going to try my hardest for 2016. I may be a little behind but I'm have God behind me.
And after that, I'm going to be a youth leader.
If there's anything someone could learn from me, it'd be to love and trust God fully. And when your life feels over, He will show you. He knows what He's doing

Thursday, January 5, 2012


This blog... How do I explain? I'm not entirely certain. The stories you will read here are stories to uplift others, how a person's life or view of the world and circumstances was changed entirely in a few minutes. I want to share these kinds of stories with everyone, because they hold so much meaning, but they're not well-known. Stories of former drug addicts, who found a way out. Stories of people who met old friends or relations, who in a few years changed entirely in lifestyle, by a few good or bad habit. People need to read these stories, share them with friends, the world is turning faster than we think... and we cannot afford to become complacent with it as it is. Please put your story in the comments, or email it to me at These stories of how your life was changed, will change the lives of others. I want to start a chain reaction that wont die out until the end of time. Help me light the spark to set the flame, wont you?