Sunday, July 1, 2012

A letter to a friend.

Hey Alyssia,
It had been a long time since  I heard anything from you, so I had started to just wonder whats new in your life, how things are what you've been doing how college is, all that junk.
There havent been many days that pass that I dont think about you, you know, all the fun we had, days and laughs we shared. Yeah, like everyone, we had our bad days, but we always managed to get through it.
We'd put off school for hours at a time, trying every few minutes between messages to type a few words, read a few sentences or work out a problem, so we were still 'working' but usually it wasn't until late in the day and evening after we stopped talking that anything actually got done XD. I'd be your personal live-action DJ, we'd council each other, you'd turn into a ghost or something, we were so crazy, but it was all so good.
I still want to keep in touch with you, no matter what the case might be with your life, I still miss talking to you, all the fun we had :) Even if I dont hear from you again though, know that I'll never forget you.

 Its impossible to forget someone who gave you so much to remember.

Peace and hair grease Aly :)

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